Price Your Art, Craft, or Handmade Products so You Actually Make Money

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Do you dread releasing new art or products because you aren't sure how to price them?

Do you struggle to come up with a price that factors in your time and materials, yet still feels "right"?

Do you worry that by not getting the price right, people won't buy or work? Or worse, that they will, but you still won't be making any money?

Most makers and artists fear pricing because they’ve been given bad advice (the Internet is full of it) or they just aren’t comfortable talking about money and profit.

But fear and misinformation could be holding your business back from making the kind of money you’ve always dreamed about.

Or it could mean that you end up burnt out and exhausted because your work is selling but you still aren't making any money.

As an internationally recognized speaker on pricing and profit (and an artist and maker myself), I’ve heard all the fears, excuses, and hesitations. That’s why I’ve made it my mission to cut through all the doubt (and bad advice) and help artists and makers just like you price their work with confidence!

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Hi, I'm Megan Auman! Artist, designer, metalsmith, and educator.

I teach artists and makers how to profit from their creativity. I firmly believe that art, craft, and design make the world a better place, which is why I hate to see artists and makers undervaluing their work.  With more than a decade of experience running my eponymous jewelry line and teaching and coaching artists and makers, I’ve developed a pricing strategy that not only makes sure you’re covering your costs (and paying yourself) but helps you build a thriving, sustainable, and yes, profitable, creative business!

I’ve taught pricing for makers, artists, and designers around the world, from world-class creative conferences to Etsy to Creative Live, and I've become the go-to guru for pricing art, craft, and handmade products. With this exclusive mini-class, I’m making my pricing strategy available online for every artist and maker to learn from!

I call it Pricing for Profit!

And inside, I am going to teach you the exact systems thousands of artists and makers have used to price their work with confidence!

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Here's What You'll Learn...

The true definition of profit and why it’s so important.

The three types of products you need in your line to keep your prices “accessible.”

Why you need to price so you’re profitable at the wholesale level, regardless of where you currently sell.

What to do if your current market can’t support higher prices.

Why your work is worth so much more that the sum of it’s materials.

How to price based on customer value instead of cost. (While still covering your costs!)

The lobster theory and how price affects perception.

And so much more.

Plus, you’ll create an overall pricing strategy that’s customer-focused and profitable!

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Megan Auman hits it out of the ballpark with this mini-workshop! All of us STRUGGLE with pricing because everything seems either too high or too low but nothing feels right. Or, our ‘right’ price makes us feel like only millionaires could buy our gorgeous stuff. Megan helps you adjust your thinking by showing you why profit is NECESSARY, why formulas are only a starting point for your prices, and why you CAN sell your product at the price you want.

Megan Eckman, PopLush Embriodery

I had a long time customer stop by the studio this week to purchase a gift. She told me her brother told her my work must be more popular because my prices have increased. I smiled, but in truth I finally sat down and worked through the Pricing for Profit worksheets! When I first increased my prices in July I was nervous my work wouldn’t sell, but I did better than ever at an art fair I do every July. Now I am confident about my prices, the value and quality of my work, and have peace of mind knowing with every sale I’m making a profit.

Heidi Fahrenbacher, Bella Joy Pottery

When you purchase Pricing for Profit, you'll instantly receive...

Four video lessons on pricing.

Including the Pricing Process, Profit First, Pricing Calculations, and Pricing Strategy.

Audio versions of each video.

So you can easily listen while you work in the studio.

Downloadable PDFs.

Of all the slides in the videos, so you can refer back to them at any time.

A downloadable, printable pricing workbook.

That you can use again and again to price new and existing products.

A quick start guide.

To make it easy to get start and make the most of this mini-course!

Pricing for Profit is normally $39. But as a special bonus, you can get Pricing for Profit today for just $27!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is Pricing for Profit for?

Pricing for Profit is for artists and makers who are selling physical products. This system as helped jewelry designers, ceramic artists, textile and fiber artists, painters, sculptors, and more price their products with confidence.

How does the mini course work?

Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll receive a download with links to all the videos, PDFs and worksheets. After that, it’s yours forever, to watch and rewatch as often as you’d like!

How is payment handled?

All purchases are made via secure checkout using either credit card or Paypal. After making your purchase, you’ll receive an email with the link to download the Quick Start Guide, PDFs, and worksheets. The Quick Start Guide features links and passwords to access the online videos and FAQ page.

Ready to get started? Get instant access to Pricing for Profit for just $27 when you enroll today!

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